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onion Bernd 2025-02-11 18:07:52 No. 25418378 Reply

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Is it better to have a $1000 gun or a $1000 door?
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I don't think you can buy a good door for $1000 can you?
>>25418795 Probably not. None of the sites I've checked give out a price.

lt Bernd 2025-02-11 20:33:18 No. 25419385 Reply
Goodnight bernds. Took my schizo pills and ate moms pirozhki now sleepy early because of pill.
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>>25419452 If I take this what happens?
But I thought we were going to go on a date, now I'm gonna fade away. Forever this time!
>>25419575 U will flip the fuck out. its some good shit >>25419584 Its good bro

mod Ukraine-Russia War Containment Thread Bernd Global Moderator 2023-12-05 12:31:37 No. 21946773 cyclic Reply Last 50

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This is the designated thread to post about the Ukraine-Russia War. Threads about this topic (without sufficient merit/originality outside the war context) are not allowed outside this containment thread, and of those, blatant and/or low quality threads will be met with a probable ban. This thread is cyclic.
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Ok, Waldi
>>25419600 >still upset because he got banned for spamming with proxy three years ago lmfao what a pathetic existence.
I will smirk when Donkeys take Kyiv.

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Місце: #Піщане 🗓 Дата: ~09.02.2025 🇺🇦 Підрозділ: 425 ОШП «СКАЛА» 📍 Геолокація: 0:01 - 48.23629, 37.10911 (https://map.wararchive.in.ua/#goto=48.23629,37.10911) 0:05 - 48.23247, 37.1078 (https://map.wararchive.in.ua/#goto=48.23247,37.1078) 🇺🇦 Опис: Штурм та зачистка будівель за підтримки розвідувательних та ударних безпілотників. Піщане, Донецька, обл. 🇬🇧 Description: Assault and clearing of buildings with the support of reconnaissance and attack drones. Pishchane, Donetsk region.

proxy Möllö Thread Bernd 2025-02-11 20:58:40 No. 25419619 Reply
WTF is this shit!? We dont deserve such. Imagen what kind of fun we could have right now when Mobsy whould fix the site. Anyway what are you doing instead?

by Bernd 2025-02-11 19:45:03 No. 25419027 Reply

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>brownzil >Brownmania >Brownbania >brownmenia >Browntugal >Browngentina >Browngaria >Browntaly >United Browns of America >Brownada
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gt Bernd 2025-02-11 16:49:30 No. 25417865 Reply Last 50
Have you ever donated blood bernds?
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>>25418676 That's impossible when heatseal cutting the needle off the tubing is part of teardown
>>25418190 Even if he does it for his ego he is still integrated in saving human lives. Still based, imho.
In Poland you can eventually get a card that gives you free public transport and ability to skip lines at doctors and pharmacies but it takes years to get it
>>25419593 Why? Are you mommy's favourite cynic?

ua Bernd 2025-02-11 18:51:00 No. 25418636 Reply

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EU should become the 52nd American state.
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>>25419338 I want all bri'ish, both in top hats and cowboy hats, to be vaporized by nuclear fire.
>>25419338 No sir, the canyon killings will stop!

pl kURWA Bernd 2025-02-11 18:34:59 No. 25418552 Reply

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Bernds pls don't laugh at me. I did something cringe and wrong and I don't even remember doing anything. I remember I paid for McDonals at 5 PM via the internet(that's my phone record), then I lost conciousness(I drank 0,7l of żubrówka before) and I woke up 25 minutes ago at 19:05 PM. I just took a look at the phone. The courrier called me 4 times. I don't remember anything, not even that man's face. Why did he call me 4 times? What was the small chat when he finally delivered the food? I have a proof that I paid for delivery via blik but that's all, that man could demand me to pay him 5000zł tip extra and I'd probably do it like mentally challenged child Kurwa My whole life I am retarded like this ;__; Why?
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>>25419558 also I meant fifth not handle. I don't even buy handles. I can't do America naming slang system
>>25419558 Well dont matter much. Wont ever make it overseas. I dont like going anywhere I cant walk home from. Even 4k miles away from home, I can still make it home in US. Dont fly because cant have my firearm. Dont go to clubs or concerts because cant even have a knife. Oh and I am too broke for euro trip for 5 people lol. My vacations is to just hangout in another Florida city. Usually Daytona. Though I may try to visit north Texas this year to spend time with family I havent seen in a while. 2020 was there for my grandpa's memorial. But my mother didnt want to come see me since my Dad was there, so I flipped my shit. Havent seen her in 16 years in person.
>>25419608 We buy handles because mexican and I drink alot

tr Bernd 2025-02-11 20:57:54 No. 25419611 Reply
why is government so cancerous and infinitely retarded? it is the same everywhere not just 3rd world.
>2022 yarak kevalser you KURD
>turdkey opinion discarded. bitcoin is shit, useless and worthless, and everyone knows it.
>>25419617 peak midwit comment here
ancap shitskin thread