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br Bernd 2024-07-27 06:57:28 No. 24059002 Reply
Name a country and post the first cool/positive thing that comes to your mind when you think about it. I will start. >Austria-Hungary
thats two countries and both suck.
Austria-Hungary was not a "country"
Kinder Country - exAusted and Hungry? get cute and funny!

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Madagascar It has lemurs

lt Incel chef thread Bernd 2024-07-27 06:50:33 No. 24058977 Reply

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>>24059114 WHy did you make food for him? or is this you speaking about yourself
>>24059115 No, Im a different guy. It's just cheaper to rent a place together while on vacation
>>24059128 There are no faggots in russia

in Bernd 2024-07-27 07:26:32 No. 24059095 Reply

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If taking FTM drugs expands female clitoris into a mini penis, would it also work on male penis to expand it? Why isnt bernd doing reverse tranny drugs to grow dick? Think abt it
It will give you male pattern baldness
>>24059095 You got a sauce for that video?

de Bernd 2024-07-27 05:36:03 No. 24058726 Reply
So Kamala Harris is going do be the democratic candidate now? Some shady cabal just hand the nomination to her, with no say from the public whatseover? Why is everybody okay with this?
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Time is running out so instead of conducting a roll call of party delegates, Democratic bigwigs decided to coronate Kamala as nominee and tell everyone to suck it up. I think the party is more concerned with keeping everyone in line instead of defeating Trump. They want to maintain a appearance of party unity instead of having last minute intraparty competition in the few weeks before Dem convention. This will backfire if Kamala is not suited for the job.
>>24059034 What are you even talking about? The American public never had a chance to vote for or against her as a candidate. They skipped a vital part of the election process. No amount of rambling about Trump or Biden will change that.
>>24059074 You're literally wrong, delegates are going to do voting on her candidacy next month. She's not an official candidate yet and I don't know where you retards brought that shit from.
>>24059094 this "From January 23 to June 8, 2024, presidential primaries and caucuses were organized by the Democratic Party to select the delegates to the 2024 Democratic National Convention, to determine the party's nominee for president in the 2024 United States presidential election. The elections took place in all U.S. states (except for Florida and Delaware), the District of Columbia, five U.S. territories, and Democrats Abroad.[18]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries democrats are democratic the way democratic peoples as Democratic People's Republic of Korea is

ru Bernd 2024-07-27 06:13:44 No. 24058829 Reply

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How many Bernds are old enough to remember using rotary telephones?
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>>24059066 This post is how we know that you're a hohol, kek.
Yeah, they felt very satisfying to dial.
>>24059067 My family had this too when i was child. i think it weven had a lock so people can't use phone for expensive calls.
I’m 24 and I had one but never used it I think you all people forget how rarely we actually used phones back then, calling was an expensive luxury

de Bernd 2024-07-26 22:29:46 No. 24056967 Reply
When i grew up, my dad would sometimes randomly hit a rabbit, and we would take it with us, and cook it. So tasty. Core memory. Now years later, my brother with his new car, he hit a rabbit while bringing me and gf home from a party. I told him to turn around, we can take it, i got so excited. He just got annoyed, and thought i was trolling him. He got more worried that his car had some damage. He didn't even for one second think about the posibility of actually taking this rabbit with him, he just thought i was trolling and trying to annoy him. Thats why everybody is depressed now, why suicide rates are this high. We need to ban all social media, and start beating kids again.
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Rabbits are not pet. They are food. Your brother needs to broaden his world view I once ate one as a kid. Uncles were having a private barbecue at the backyard of my grandmother house, only adults. I was taken there by my father, the rabbit tasted just like chicken but with less fat. I also had a fren that his mom grew a rabbit from time to time to eat, I never had the chance to taste it at his house. I was always late, but I'd have if given the opportunity
>>24056996 ofc its fake its always some bullshit about his dad or nonexisting gf
Rabbits are cute if their ears aren't perked up, but floppy instead
I dont think this is legal

sc Bernd 2024-07-26 15:13:28 No. 24052805 Reply
Videogames I'm going to play Path of Exile for the first time in a few leagues. What build should I play?
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>>24058421 Have you played idle games? "Complex idle game" is like saying "eloquent down syndrome sufferer"
>>24056744 Now wait until you hit level where the mtx actually kicks in
>>24058448 I have more stash size than I could ever use
>>24058403 (You) First time I did labyrinth I got the gem I wanted. Based

de Bernd 2024-07-27 07:33:29 No. 24059120 Reply
I woke up at 8 and already wasted 1 1/2 hrs on kc instead of doing the things I need to do. Why am I like this?

il Bernd 2024-07-27 07:15:53 No. 24059057 Reply

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imagine if all jews just converted all the retarded shit in the last 200 years wouldn't have to happen and jewish sons no longer have to get mutilated
>>24059082 Stop trying to hide the truth
>>24059084 How long will it take to get rid of their predesposition to mental illness though?

ca Bernd 2024-07-27 06:32:11 No. 24058901 Reply

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the eternal jeet the eternal jeet never changes
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>>24059048 It's like asking why can't shitskins just stop raping/murdering people. It's their culture, simple as.
>>24059048 Imagine that you have been shitting naturally your whole life, i.e. outside in the beautiful fresh air, maybe even directly into the river knowing that people downriver will be bathing in your shit, and then you move onto the w*ct and suddenly you're expected to sit on some filthy bit of plastic in a poorly ventilated room, and have poo water splash back onto your ass and so on. It would be disgusting.
Redeem the beach